February was a month filled with events for the partners of the QUSTom project. The month kicked off with Tomi Ilijaš, Arctur’s CEO, who presented the QUSTom project at the 27th IEEE International Conference – Information Technology in Montenegro. During his talk, he highlighted the optimisation of 3D HPC inversion software activities and the leading role of Arctur’s working group in supporting the implementation of algorithms for obtaining medical images.

Next, on February 18th, Josep de La Puente, BSC researcher, spoke at the “Bojos per la Supercomputació” course, organised by the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation. In the session titled “Simulation of the Earth”, he discussed the physics of waves and how they can be used to explore and understand the subsoil through simulations. Additionally, he shared examples of wave simulation applied to the study of breast cancer.

On February 22nd, Torsten Hopp, KIT researcher, spoke at the SPIE Medical Imaging 2023 conference. His talk focused on the first imaging results with the new generation of 3D ultrasound tomography device, which enables early detection of breast cancer.

Josep de la Puente returned to speak on February 23rd, this time at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). During his talk titled “From the Earth’s Interior to Medical Imaging”, he discussed how accurate models of the Earth’s interior have been achieved through computational geophysics and how this translates into improving medical imaging, specifically for cancer detection by ultrasound.

You can watch the presentation here.

Lastly, on February 24th, Anton Aubanell,  radiologist and researcher at Vall d’Hebron Hospital,  spoke at the 9th Breast Imaging Update Conference in Madrid. His talk focused on the QUSTom project and its main objectives.

Overall, February was a month full of interesting talks and discussions on the latest developments in medical imaging technology, such as the device proposed by QUSTom.